Open space – space open for change

Scherzer, C., 2001, Open space – space open for change, in: ECLAS (J. de Vries), ‘Integration of infrastructure and landscape architecture’, Larenstein University of Professional Education, Velp

  • Author : Scherzer, C.
  • Year : 2001
  • English Title : A short Project as Intruduction to Landscape Design
  • Published in Book : Integration of infrastructure and landscape architecture
  • Pages : 108-122
  • Abstract in English : At the beginning of the first year of HTW Dresden landscape course basic design skills and graphic presentation techniques were taught in an experimental short project. About 40 students worked for four weeks supervised by a sculptor and a landscape architect. Two different types of space in the historic gardens of Pillnitz Summer Palace – ”formal” and ”informal” - had to be temporarily changed in character by spatial means. The students’ brief was to react to both types of space installing elements of a given size either singularly, in a pattern or combined to larger volumes. The project schedule included the following steps: • Survey of space and vegetation (1:200) • Presentation of individual proposals, discussion and selection for the sites • Building of models (1:200) and photographic documentation • Installation of schemes on site 1:1 and photographic documentation • Discussion of effects and results. • Documentation of the process by the students. Results relating to design issues in early project work: • Presenting ideas in a selection process forces to give reasons for design attitudes • Collectively obtaining a variety of ideas is no replacement for individual training • A setting of clear character (formal or informal) facilitates the exploration of interventions and their spatial effects • Parallel drawing, model building, installation 1:1 can help to mediate two- and threedimensional perception and thus better assess spatial impact.