Pejzažno uređenje prostora ispred poslovnog objekta “Beteks”

“Betex” is a commercial building, located in Pozeska street which is the main street of Banovo Brdo. It is a hilly suburban part of Belgrade. At the beginning of the 20 th century Banovo Brdo got its name after the diplomat Matija Ban and today it is “the city within a city”. The space in front of “Betex” has a large potential which hasn’t been used so far. Its weaknesses are negligence, bad communication and the lack of facilities.

The idea is to create one simple solution for improving landscape design of the space in front of ” Betex”, through emphasizing both representative and communicative effect in the space and by giving the identity to the location in general.
The design of this space points out the main pedestrian area which connects “Betex ” square and the municipality building of Cukarica. Dynamism is achieved by means of central position of flower jardinieres .It is symbolizing a hill, Banovo Brdo.
Main walking route is marked with the fountains. The sound of water relaxes the users and makes this space dynamic. On the right side of the path there is café, which has a view of the whole square. The layout of benches emphasizes the desired direction.
The lighting of the space contributes to its attractiveness by night.

  • English Title : Landscape design of the space in front of the commercial bilding "Beteks"
  • University : University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, RS
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Pejzazno projektovanje 2 ( Landscape Design 2 )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Notes : Author: Živković Milica
  • Academic Year : 2007 / 08
  • City : Belgrade
  • Project Language : Serbian
  • Supervisor : Ljiljana Vujkovic, Dragan Vujicic
  • Location of project : Republic of Serbia
  • Image Title : Beteks.light