Places children like, dislike, and fear

Andel, J., 1990, Places children like, dislike, and fear, in: Childrens Environments Quarterly, 7, 4

  • Author : Andel, J.
  • Year : 1990
  • Journal/Series : Childrens Environments Quarterly
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 4
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 7
  • Pages : 24-31
  • Abstract in English : In order to get an idea of special places for children it is important not only to learn more about the places children like, but also the places children dislike and fear. This article shows that there is a wide variety of places children like or dislike. Children also a greater number of attractive places than places they dislike or fear. Environments designed for children, such as playgrounds and play equipment, are experiences as attractive by the majority of the children. But different children judge natural elements as attractive, boring, scary, or dangerous. Maybe it is just this character that makes natural elements valuable and useful. The value of a place, or its special character, is not determined by its appearance or aesthetic qualities but by its potential value of affording activities.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, play, affordances, preferences, nature. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.