Freeman, C., 1995, Planning and play: creating greener environments, in: Children’s Environments, , 3
- Author : Freeman, C.
- Year : 1995
- Journal/Series : Children's Environments
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 3
- Pages : 381-388
- Abstract in English : Sustainable development has its fundamental aim the preservation of the environment for future generations. Planners are grappling with the implications of sustainable development and means to maintain the natural resources base. Whilst planners wrestle with the critical need to preserve environmental quality, ultimately environmental responsibility will be passed on to the next generations. As children learn through play, it is vital that the environments in which they grow up and in which they play provide them with opportunities for developing environmental awareness in all aspects of their life, not just in formal education environments. Environmental awareness is too important to be relegated to a school based curricular component. Children’s environments as a whole must become environmentally friendly, and provide opportunities for deepening understanding, interacting with and manipulating both the natural and built environment.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, environment, sustainability, planning, play, urban planning, open space, children’s rights, participation, Local Agenda 21. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.