Planning open space for wildlife. 1. Selecting focal species using a Delphi survey approach

Hess, G.R. & T.J.King, 2002, Planning open space for wildlife. 1. Selecting focal species using a Delphi survey approach, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, ,

  • Author : Hess, G.R. & T.J.King
  • Year : 2002
  • Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
  • Pages : 25-40
  • Abstract in English : In a world being transformed by human population growth, conservation biology has emerged a one discipline focused on preventing, mitigating, and reversing the loss of species, ecosystems, and landscapes. Because of the need to act quickly with incomplete information, conservation biologists have shortcuts that rely on identifying key species to be focused on during planning efforts. The authors describe a process that can be used to select species, using a suburbanizing region in the United States as an example.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: landscape planning, nature, conservation, keystone species, wildlife habitat, suburban development.