Plant user handbook

Hitchmough, J. & Fieldhouse, K., 2004, Plant user handbook, Blackwell, Oxford

  • Author : Hitchmough, J. & Fieldhouse, K.
  • Year : 2004
  • Publisher : Blackwell
  • Publisher's Location : Oxford
  • ISBN : 0632058439
  • Pages : 388
  • Abstract : FROM INTERNET: Plant User Handbook is for practitioners who are professionally engaged in the use of plants in public, commercial and institutional landscapes. Planting schemes are undertaken on the basis of a binding contract – generally between the client (who owns or leases the landscape) and the implementer (the landscape contractor), with the designer acting both as specifier and contract administrator. Within this contractual relationship, planting schemes must be implemented to an agreed timetable. To manage this procedure efficiently, landscape designers and managers need quick access to the factual and scientific background for practical planting design and its implementation through specification writing and contracts. CONTENTS: Preliminaries to plant use and the landscape; Introduction to plant use in the landscape; Selecting plant species, cultivars and nursery products; Procuring plants for landscape projects; Managing plant growth on landscape sites; Amelioration of underperforming soils; Soil drainage; Weed control in amenity landscapes; The long term health of plants Establishment and management of trees; The establishment of planted nursery stock; Tree roots and buildings; Semi-mature trees; Trees in paving; Creating urban woodlands; Establishment and management of smaller woody plants; Shrub mosaics and woodland edge; Ground cover; Hedges and their management; Pruning shrubs; Climbing plants; Roof gardens; Establishment and management of herbaceous plants; Wildflowers in rural landscapes ;Wildflower landscapes in the urban environment; Aquatic planting; Direct-sown annual meadows; Bedding plants; Bulbous plants for use in designed landscapes; Herbaceous perennials; Amenity and sports turf seed; The management of amenity grasslands.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: Planting design, landscape design, plants, soils, management, trees, perennials, woody plants, trees.