Plants in the workplace, the effects of plant density on productivity, attitudes, and perceptions

Larsen, L., J. Adams, B. Deal, B-S. Kweon & E. Tyler, 1988, Plants in the workplace, the effects of plant density on productivity, attitudes, and perceptions, in: Environment and Behavior, ,

  • Author : Larsen, L., J. Adams, B. Deal, B-S. Kweon & E. Tyler
  • Year : 1988
  • Journal/Series : Environment and Behavior
  • Pages : 261-281
  • Abstract in English : The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of one specific element – indoor plants – on the individual’s perception of and productivity in the workplace environment. From the air-cleansing qualities of indoor plants to their potentially positive stimulation of psychological well-being, plants and nearby nature are pleasurable workplace amenities. Surpassingly, the results of the productivity task showed an inverse linear relationship to the number of plants in the office, but self-reported perceptions of performance increased relative to the number of plants in the office. Participants reported higher levels of mood, perceived office attractiveness and comfort.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, workplace, plants, attitudes, indoor environments. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.