The core objective to support the objective of Interreg IIIC “to improve the effectiveness of policies and instruments for regional development and cohesion” by producing a Framework for a Polycentric Metropolitan Europe, a related Action Plan and a Polycentric Practice Benchmark derived from a programme of representative interregional networking activities (RINA’s).
Project Timetable: 2004-2006
Structure/Organisation of Project: Planning Component:
Four inter regional Analysis Workshops in 2004 through which partners can explore the potential for polycentric metropolitan relationships on a geographical basis. Four
Synthesis/Sectoral Workshops in 2005 through which partners can synthesize their findings and conclusions (Towards European Urban Balance) and identify specific polycentric relationships that can be developed on a sectoral basis (Framework for a Polycentric Metropolitan Europe and Action Plan).
Practice Component.
A programme of RINA’s in 2006-2007(Polycentric Practice Benchmark) to initiate the implementation of the Action Plan.
Results/Outcomes: The result will be a metropolitan response to the 3 key policy options in the ESDP (Framework/Action Plan) from which to develop and progress a programme of representative networking activities on an interregional basis (RINA’s/Benchmark).
The impact will be to initiate and sustain effective measures towards a polycentric metropolitan Europe.There are some 120 recognised metropolitan areas ( 500k+) in the wider Europe and the partnership of 19 metropolitan areas has been constructed to enable a territorially representative response to be made to the 3 key ESDP policy options and to develop a coherent Framework and Action Plan to be progressed through RINA’s and the Benchmark.
Weblink(s): http://www.metrex.org
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000