Herzog, T.R. & T.A. Gale, 1996, Preference for urban buildings as a function of age and nature context, in: Environment and Behavior, 28, 1
- Author : Herzog, T.R. & T.A. Gale
- Year : 1996
- Journal/Series : Environment and Behavior
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 1
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 28
- Pages : 44-72
- Abstract in English : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, preference, buildings, nature, complexity, mystery, coherence, trees. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research.
- Comments/Notes : Preference for urban buildings were studied as a function of building age and natural context. The primary finding was that old buildings were preferred over contemporary buildings when building care was equated statistically, but the reverse was true in the absence of such control. A natural context enhanced building preference, but only when it was well maintained. In general, rated building care and nature care were positively related to preference and to each other.