Procesul de învăţământ în cadrul Facultăţii de Urbanism, UAUIM – de la cladire la ansamblu în abordarea sustenabilă

Harmanescu, Mihaela, 2013, Procesul de învăţământ în cadrul Facultăţii de Urbanism, UAUIM – de la cladire la ansamblu în abordarea sustenabilă, UAIM, RoGBC,

  • Author : Harmanescu, Mihaela
  • Year : 2013
  • Title English : The Learning Process in the Faculty of Urban Planning, UAUIM, Bucharest – From the Building to the Ansamble Context in a Sustainable Approach
  • Publisher : UAIM, RoGBC,
  • Abstract in English : The approach of a single discipline present through university education can not face the diverse problems in the applied disciplines, such as urban planning. A more wide, trans-disciplinary approach, is necessary for a better understanding of what we call social issues, that require certain definitions and innovative solutions. Urban planning is facing new challenges that require alterations (global competition, poverty, segregation, climate changes, energy efficiency etc.) and so the research is expanding to a sustainable urbanism and landscape planning. Role of the Faculty of Urban Planning: Where are we standing with the sustainable initiative at this moment? The Faculty of Urban Planning1 is preoccupied with the field of green buildings and ecological projects, understood in an urban and landscape context, through a sustainable management , and it approaches them as an integrated part of educational programs , through the recognition of the essential role in the learning process. Regarding the fact that education is a previous condition for applying a sustainable development strategy and that it contributes to the changes of the users behavior, the Faculty of Urban Planning, from the last 15 years, is part of the group of main actors in the urban planning process and its goal is to fulfill the educational role attributed to different scales of sustainable planning. So , its participation and contribution to raising awareness regarding the importance of green building and sustainable development is achieved through: 1. The direct participation through education offered to students in their formation as professionals in the field of urban planning and sustainable landscape 2. The indirect participation through the professional development of the teachers
  • Comments/Notes : english: romanian: