Master plan for a new residential area of Campana, Argentina. I was studying one year in the University of Buenos Aires in 2009 and this was a practical work of the course ´Projecto Urbano´. We had a group of 4 persons including me, Analia de Santis, Camila Fernanda Schwarz and Sofia von der Fecht.

- English Title : Urban Project - Campana, Argentina
- University : Aalto University School of Arts and Design, FI
- Project was done for Course Unit : Maisemarakentamisen erikoistyö ( Landscape Design, special project )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Academic Year : 2007 / 08
- City : Helsinki
- Project Language : Finnish
- Location of project : Argentina
- Image Title : Proyecto urbano, Campana, Argentina