The many small Danish towns, which historically flourished
in connection with the expanding rail road network, are undergoing dramatic
transformations. This research project investigates the challenges
these towns are facing and explores future potentials.
The project focuses on the demography, service, traffic,
landscape, historical development and planning of the appr 250 towns in Denmark
of between 1.000 and 5.000 inhabitants, which emerged in connection with the
expanding rail road network in Denmark from 1840 to 1940.
On the basis of an overall investigation the project deals
in detail with six case studies (Hurup, Langå, Kolind, Ørbæk, Skævinge and
Holeby) in order to explore (1) how the situation of these towns is today, (2)
the challenges they are facing and (3) point towards possible potentials for
future transformation.
One of the main conclusions is that
most of the towns are more robust than many smaller towns, which too are facing
decline and a loss of urban functions. Rather, they are undergoing
transformation, which holds a series of potentials for new types of housing,
retail and recreational and cultural initiatives.
- Title Original : Stationsbyer i dag
- Website :
- Project start : 2012
- Project end : 2013
- Contact Person : Niels Boje Groth
- Funding Agency : Realdania (
- Project Partners : Copenhagen University, Aarhus School of Architecture, Realdania