Objectives of Project: The objective of REKULA is the development of a Europe-wide applicable set of tools to manage cultural landscapes that have undergone through change and disturbance in short time periods.
One important output of REKULA is a management handbook to support the revalorisation of landscapes.
Within five different workpackages the REKULA-Partners deal with several aspects of the consequences of industrial uses for the landscape.
Project Timetable: 2002-2004
Members of the Project Team: IBA Fürst-Pückler-Land, Germany, Lead Partner
The Veneto Region, Itally
Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche (FBSR), Italy
The Municipality of Zabrze, Poland
Gliwice University, Poland
Weblink(s): http://www.rekula.net/rekula_home.html
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000