- Region : Burgenland
- Area : 50
- GPS X : 16.379928588867188000
- GPS Y : 48.194014251732250000
- Project start : 2002
- Project end : 2007
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Client : Ministry of Economy
- Ownership : Public
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : The grounds of the imperial Hof Castle occupy more than 50 hectares of land to the east of the Marchfeld Castle Road.
The magnificent complex was built in the early 18th century through the efforts of two of the most important personalities of the Austrian Baroque period. Field Marshall Prince Eugene of Savoy was already a legend in his own lifetime. An enthusiast for the arts, he provided almost unlimited funding for the construction, and the brilliant architect Lucas von Hildebrandt used it to realise his virtuoso concept of a unique ensemble, comprising a magnificent palace, beautifully designed terraced gardens and an idyllic country estate.
Under its later owner, Empress Maria Theresa, an additional storey was added to the palatial building, which was remodelled in the style of French Classicism in accordance with the tastes of the time. The ruler and her family frequently used Hof Castle as a private refuge but also as a worthy setting for some of the most magnificent courtly celebrations in the long history of the Habsburg monarchy.
In 2002 this tradition was resumed in one of the most ambitious cultural projects in post-war Austrian history. The complex, which had been increasingly neglected since the 19th century, was revitalised with utmost attention to the details of its architectural history, and in May 2005 it was reopened to visitors. Unique in Europe, this world of adventure has since become a top destination for those who seek culture, nature and delight and want to explore the fascinating world of the Baroque in all its authenticity and diversity in an historical ambience.
- Project Name : Original : Schlosshof
- Type : Palais gardens
- Image Title : Map Gardens Schlosshof
- Image Desc : Map Gardens Schlosshof