- Area : 0,81
- GPS X : 16.367832000000020000
- GPS Y : 48.199703100000010000
- Implementation end : 2006
- Website : http://
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : The Kunsthalle art museum has traffic flowing around it on all sides. Previously, the overriding impression was that the surrounding green area had the inherent quality of a buffer zone. However, the area is also tha start of the Naschmarkt and its point of connection to Karlsplatz. A landscaped crescent now spreads out in line with the spatial flow. A ridge of green that runs parallel to the street has an active impact on the urban space, giving the area a sense of stability in the face of the busy main road (Lička, L.;
Grimm, K. (Hg.)
(2015): nextland
Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel,
- Designer : DnD Detzlhofer + Architekt Adolf Krischanitz