Objectives: The central aim of this proposal is co produce an urban design tool that provides urban designers, planners and other decision makers, with the appropriate means for effectively assessing the development of cities, targeting outdoor spaces in the urban context across Europe. More specifically it proposes: different models for evaluation of the microclimate of open spaces and the resulting thermal visual and audible comfort conditions for the people using these spaces, a methodology for developing comfort maps for the area, and design guidelines for the development of open spaces, as well as a list of indicators for the socio-economic implications for the area. As a pilot action, these will be applied to the development of open spaces, at three different municipalities across Europe.
- Title Original : RUROS - Rediscovering the urban realm and open spaces
- Website : URL: http://alpha.cres.gr/ruros/
- Notes : Project Reference: EVK4-CT-2000-00032 Contract Type: Cost-sharing contracts Start Date: 2001-01-01 End Date: 2004-01-31 Duration: 37 months Project Status: Completed Project Acronym: RUROS Update Date: 2005-06-07
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000
- Funding Agency : EU %th Framework