- Address : Scheidemannplatz
- Region : North Hesse
- GPS X : 9.492530822753906000
- GPS Y : 51.316344048207064000
- Project start : 2003
- Implementation end : 2005
- Website : http://www.mann-landschaftsarchitekten.de/index_real.htm
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Client : Stadt Kassel
- Ownership : Public
- Accessibility : Unrestricted areas
- Project Team : Tobias Mann et al.
- Notes : Restricted, one level realisation competition in anonymous proceedings with prefixed application procedure for the choice of 7 participants (Landscape architects); regionaladmission (State of Hesse), language: German, remuneration: 23,000 EUR + tax Jury: Prof. Rudolf Scheuvens (Vors.), Prof. Wolfgang Schulze, Andreas Tepe
- Designer : mann landschaftsarchitekten, Kassel
- Image Title : Scheidemannplatz Kassel