Emil Breisach, former managing director of the ORF
Styrian provincial studios, sustained the notion that contemporary
sculptures and viewers need to be granted a lieu of inter-action in
public space and not only in museums. In 1981 he began to show works on
the grounds of the studio which were the starting point for the idea of
creating an adequate placement for Austrian sculpture in correspondence
with international art.
The ideal site for a generously laid-out sculpture
park was found in the 7 hectare covering park designed by Dieter
Kienast, the well-known landscape architect from Switzerland in 2000 for
the international garden show (Universalmuseum Joanneum, 2015).

- Area : 7
- GPS X : 15.431772400000000000
- GPS Y : 46.978643400000000000
- Implementation end : 2000
- Context : The garden show area from 2003 and the current Austrian Sculpture Park is located in Unterpremstätten, seven kilometers south of Graz (the Styrian capital). The park lies near a lake, the "Schwarzelsee", which will be often used for public events and concerts.
Today, the area accommodates contemporary sculptures, which can be admired at free entry. - Website : http://
- Project Status : No longer exists
- Ownership : Private
- Accessibility : Limited public access
- Brief Description : The Swiss landscape architect Dieter Kienast consciously set out to create a horticultural exhibition site that would convey a deeply sensual experience catering to all sections og the population and acting as a counterweight to an increasing virtual world. Four themed areas seperated by clear boundaries were designed:
a flower garden, mountain garden, pheasant garden, and field garden. In the pheasant garden, Kienast created various sections inspired by different eras in gardening history. He incorporated, among other things, a labyrinth, a walk, landscape steps, and a pond. The mountain garden, which is formed from a number of earth pyramids, constitutes a kind of folded landscape (Lička, Grimm, 2015,B27). - Designer : Dieter Kienast Vogt Partner
- Location : Austria, Premstätten, lat : 46.978643400000000000 - lng : 15.431772400000000000 address : Österreichischer Skulpturenpark, Thalerhofstraße 85, 8141 Premstätten, Austria
- Project Name : Original : IGS Graz 2000
- Type : Gardenshows, Gardenshows
- Image Title : Berggarten Graz IGS 2000 1