Overall objective
The EU-FP6 Integrated Project SENSOR will develop science based ex-ante Sustainability Impact Assessment Tools (SIAT) to support decision making on policies related to multifunctional land use in European regions. The SENSOR project is structured into seven interrelated modules. Each module consists of several work packages. To ensure full integration of research components particularly with regard to sectors and disciplines, the structure follows a procedural approach. The modules are:
M1: Scientific co-ordination and project management
M2: European land use scenario assessment and forecasting
M3: Regional sustainability problems, risks and thresholds
M4: SIAT integration and end user tool
M5: Integrated data and indicator management
M6: Sustainability issues in sensitive regions
M7: Stakeholder participation and institutional analysis
Sustainability of land use in European regions is a central point of policy and management decisions at different levels of governance. Implementation of European policies designed to promote and protect multifunctional land use requires the urgent development of robust tools for the assessment of different scenarios’ impacts on the environmental, social and economic sustainability in European regions.
SENSOR will build, validate and implement Sustainability Impact Assessment Tools (SIAT), including databases and spatial reference frameworks for the analysis of land and human resources in the context of land use policies for Europ
- Website : http://www.sensor-ip.org/
- Project start : 0000
- Project end : 0000
- Contact Person : Simon Bell
- Funding Agency : EU 6th Framework Programme
- Image Title : Sensor Logo