Siguldas stacijas teritorijas rekonstrukcija

Jansone Inese. Reconstruction of Sigulda Station Territory. Diploma. – Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Rural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Landscape Arhitecture. – 2011.
Diploma designed for outdoor functional activation of Sigulda station by adjusting new features to the area. The explanatory memorandum describes the historical development of Sigulda, spatial structure analysis of urban and designed territory, significance of Sigulda station in the urban context. There are materials on cultural and historical objects in Sigulda collected and compiled, the current nature green structure analyzed, there is an inventory of existing trees made to the designed area.
Diploma is investigating the Sigulda and Sigulda station territory‘s history and analyzing the current situation, and providing detailed proposals of improvement and development of Sigulda station territory.
Diploma consists of three parts: a graphical part (4 ½ A0-sized pages), visualization (1 A0 sheet) and the explanatory memorandum (193 pages). An explanatory memorandum contains 3 tables, 23 images and 34 attachments.

  • English Title : Reconstruction of Sigulda Station Territory
  • University : Latvia University of Agriculture, LV
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Ainavu arhitektura un projektesana ( Landscape Architecture and design )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 24.852533340454100000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 57.152886296670710000
  • Academic Year : 2010 / 11
  • City : Sigulda
  • Project Language : Latvian
  • Supervisor : Silvija Rubene, Aija Ziemelniece
  • Image Title : Bench1
  • Image Desc : First picture of plan