- Area : 1
- GPS X : 16.455394999999953000
- GPS Y : 48.220845800000000000
- Implementation end : 2005
- Website : http://
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : The OPK association developed a design concept for the plan that corresponded to the inherent qualities of the location and allowed for different phases of development. Twenty columns of living willow fascines were planted in a grid to mark out the area. This basic structure was then complementes by different types of interrelated playing fields. thematically, the fields followed the idea of playing in and with nature and were developed togehter with local school classes and youth groups and implemented in workshops organised according to age (like a 100m track, plant beds for school classes and a space with seating blocks) (Lička, L.; Grimm, K. (Hg.) (2015): nextland Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel, B43).
- Designer : OPK Offenes PlanerInnen Kollektiv, zwoPK Landschaftsarchitektur