The given task was to create a campus open space between the BOKU-University and Science Centre (UFT) and the Interuniversitary Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA), located in the City of Tulln in Lower Austria. Project researches showed that these two institutions are part of a larger development, a so-called ‘Technopol‘. A Technopol unites educational and research institutions as
well as companies. The architectural heterogeneity causes a lack of visual entity and identification. So, the open space needs to be a designed bracket to visualise and communicate the unity of the Technopol Tulln to the public. The aim for the Campus open space is to create a strong connection between the institutions and to support a creative environment for social interaction and scientific crossfertilization. The design interweaves the typical existing stripe pattern of the surrounding fields and tree hedges with the new external and internal communication straps to a strong spatial fabric. These straps serve various functions: site development, representation, internal linkage. They integrate facilities for recreation and working in the open space, the kindergardens playground, parking areas, scientific testing fields and horticultural show-gardens, an outdoor ‘soil-profile classroom’, a waterpond
to drain roof waters and for watering, a meadow with scattered fruit trees, an outdoor cafe and a canopied bicycle parking area.
Soil, in its form of acres and fields, is the common ground of education, science and development at the Technopol Campus in Tulln. For this reason the representative design element is the acre – in its pure agricultural appearance.

- English Title : Technopol Campus
- University : University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, AT
- Project was done for Course Unit : Aktuelle Landschaftsarchitektur ( Contemporary Landscape Architecture )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 16.051025390625000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 48.319734040471730000
- Academic Year : 2007 / 08
- City : Vienna
- Project Language : German
- Supervisor : Ass.Prof.Dagmar Grimm-Pretner
- Location of project : Austria
- Image Title : technopol campus