The analysis of perception via preference: a strategy for studying how the environment is experienced

Kaplan, R., 1985, The analysis of perception via preference: a strategy for studying how the environment is experienced, in: Landscape planning, 12,

  • Author : Kaplan, R.
  • Year : 1985
  • Journal/Series : Landscape planning
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 12
  • Pages : 161-176
  • Abstract in English : This article suggests that the expert’s perception may quite different from the perceptions of those who lack specialized training. A series of studies, using photographic materials and focusing on diverse land use and land covers has generated considerable insight into the way in which the general public experiences the environment. This knowledge is to be used in landscape architecture, applying public participation in order to meet people’s preference.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: preferences, participation, landscape architecture, quality, group differences. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research