Hamilton, L.W., 1997, The benefits of open space, The GreatSwamp Watershed Association
- Author : Hamilton, L.W.
- Year : 1997
- Pages : 123
- Publisher : The GreatSwamp Watershed Association
- Outline in English : CONTENTS: 1. OpenSpace:Our Legacy to Future Generations (Hon. Stuart Udall); Our nation's successes and failures in protecting open space as a natural resource. 2. Conserving Regional Resources (Robert D. Yaro, Regional Plan Association) An analysis of issues that require cooperation of different levels of government and the general public to preserve open space, so as to provide common resources such as water, recreational facilities, clean air, and so forth. 3. The Ecological and Biological Benefits of OpenSpace (Richard Kane, NJ Audubon Society) A discussion of the contributions of open space to maintenance of biodiversity and protection of endangered species habitat. 4. The Psychological Value of OpenSpace (Nora Rubinstein, Ph. D.) The benefits of open space and the activities promoted by open space for both physical and psychological health. A general discussion of issues such as crowding, crime, disease, and other risk factors. 5. Visioning OpenSpaces in New Development and Redevelopment (Anton C. Nelessen, Ph.D., Rutgers University) The importance of open space in community planning, with special emphasis on the contribution of these areas to community and neighborhood character. 6. Sustainable Communities Through OpenSpace Conservation (Robert Pirani, Regional Plan Association)An analysis of the goals and policies of resource management that will allow the permanent use of these resources for future generations. 7. Economic Benefits of Open Space (Stephen Miller, Isleboro Islands Trust) A simple analysis of the economic benefits that open space brings to a community and its individual home owners as an alternative to different forms of development that add to municipal costs and raise taxes. 8. Preserving OpenSpace Without Raising Constitutional Claims (Lisa Moore, Esq., Environmental Defense Fund)A discussion of the history and present status of laws that relate to such issues as takings, the owner's right to develop, and other issues that pit individual decisions against the general welfare. 9. The Financial Argument for OpenSpace Preservation (Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions) A resource paper that provides detailed background and practical methods on the costs of locating development on open space.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: open space, benefits, biology, psychology, community, economy. [To down load from Google by these terms: The benefits of open space. The Great Swamp Watershed Association]