Fuller-Gee, M., 1994, The contribution of local context to teaching and research in Norway, in: ECLAS (A. Aspinall & S. Filor), ‘The local context in landscape teaching and research’, ,
- Author : Fuller-Gee, M.
- Year : 1994
- Published in Book : The local context in landscape teaching and research
- Pages : 80-85
- Abstract in English : I am working in a team with staff members from teacher-training colleges and universities in Scandinavia on a Nordic Research Programme to develop teaching methods which can inspire students to see, understand and value qualities in their own culture. The main goal of this programme is to establish a one-year post-graduate course in Nordic Culture Pedagogy. In the same way that town planners and architects have developed guidelines, based on genius loci, for new buildings, our Research Programme aims also to publish a handbook entitled "Landscape Design in a Regional Context". Landscape architects need to be made more aware of their regional landscape heritage and be encouraged to enhance rather than erode a region's "spirit of place" through their planning and detail design.