The dynamics of landscape form and design

Toorn, M. van den, 2005, The dynamics of landscape form and design, in: ECLAS (D. Oguz), ‘Landscape change’, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture Ankara University, Ankara

  • Author : Toorn, M. van den
  • Year : 2005
  • Published in Book : Landscape change
  • Pages : 43
  • Abstract in English : In this paper we put forward the concept of ‘structure’ as a key issue in relation to process and change. We will work out the issue of change in the context of time/space and the consequences for the planning and design process and the methodological aspects. In the first part we try to come to grips with ‘change’ by making a distinction between different types of processes that play a role in landscape architecture. - Processes in the landscape as such; the dynamic aspects of form of the landscape - The dynamics of the design intervention in the landscape and the design process - The dynamic aspects of the experience of landscape and hence the perception of landscape In the second part we focus on the design process and its methodological aspects. In the design process we make a distinction between perception, analysis, synthesis and the materialisation of form. We perceive the landscape mainly by moving through space. In the analysis we research the forces behind the form by making use of the metaphor of the ‘layered’ landscape. The results of the analysis can be used in the materialisation of form of the planned interventions in the landscape. In the synthesis and the materialisation of form the organisation of time and space at different levels is at hand. In the final part we work this out in a theoretical framework where element, structure and process are the key terms. The interrelations between these three terms makes this framework applicable as a theoretical framework. Both process and elements are closely related to structure. Structure is a key issue for landscape architecture since it relates elements and processes in time; structure is the expression of the relation between space and time. That’s why structure is always determining for the overall approach of the plan making process; in the long run it organises time, for the short time it organises the materialisation of form at the level of element.