The encyclopedia of grasses for the livable landscape

Darke, Rick, 2007, The encyclopedia of grasses for the livable landscape, Timber Press, Portland, Oregon,

  • Author : Darke, Rick
  • Year : 2007
  • Publisher : Timber Press, Portland, Oregon
  • ISBN : 9780881928174
  • Pages : 484
  • Abstract : Publisher's description: "In this new book noted grass expert and advocate Rick Darke addresses both the aesthetic qualities of grasses in private gardens and the opportunities and challenges of using them in wild and constructed public landscapes. All the true grasses, sedges, rushes, restios, and cattails that possess ornamental merit or that can contribute to ecological plantings are described, and practical matters of propagation, growth, and maintenance are also covered. More than 1000 stunning photographs show details of individual plants and hundreds of gardens and landscapes in which grasses play a prominent part. This worthy successor to The Color Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses is a new type of design reference that sets a standard for inspired, sustainable use of grasses."
  • Comments : A worthy successor to "The Color Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses" . Rick Darke is focused on regional landscape design, planning, conservation, and enhancement. Blending art, ecology, and cultural geography, Darke is dedicated to the design and stewardship of the livable landscape. He has studied and photographed North American plants in their habitats for over 30 years, and this work is reflected in his articles and books. Darke has traveled extensively in both hemispheres, exploring diverse ecologies and cultural landscapes in search of ideas to enrich the global garden.