The experience of place

Hiss,T., 1991, The experience of place, Vintage Books, New York

  • Author : Hiss,T.
  • Year : 1991
  • Publisher : Vintage Books
  • Publisher's Location : New York
  • ISBN : 0679735941
  • Pages : 256
  • Abstract : The question of this book is: why do some places -- the concourse of Grand Central Terminal or a small farm or even the corner of a skyscraper -- affect us so mysteriously and yet so forcefully? What tiny changes in our everyday environments can radically alter the quality of our daily lives? The author uses the experience of place to help us understand how profoundly we are affected by the places around us. By bringing together the insights of planners, ecologists, psychologists, and environmentalists, he explores how our experiences in public places can restore our connection to our senses. Hiss uncovers why some places - the concourse of Grand Central Terminal or a small farm or the corner of a skyscraper - affect us so mysteriously and so forcefully. In doing so, he demonstrates how our society can continue to grow without destroying the places that have nourished it for generations – how we can design changes that, rather than harming us, will enhance our future lives.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: Urban planning, environmental impact, environmental psychology, social environment, people.