Objectives of Project: Greenkeys focuses on the improvement of urban green spaces as a step towards more sustainable cities. The three main objectives are
to provide incentives for structural changes in cities by offering opportunities for the enhancement of green spaces. Its 12 partner cities will, together with local stakeholders, develop a strategic approach for the pilot projects to create new or upgrade existing green areas to achieve more accessibility, social and recreational values and ecological efficiency. By the involvement of local activists, the political attention to the benefits of green spaces to urban environments will be increased. GreenKeys will support the implementation/evaluation of pilot projects in order
to develop a “Pool of Green Strategies” (instruments, methods, concepts and good examples) based on the experiences being made to meet the demands of future needs and
to use the synergies to promote the transfer of knowledge by a transnational network and, thus, foster the exchange of the particular national experiences.
Project Timetable: 2005-2008
Structure/Organisation of Project: GreenKeys is structured in four work packages including 29 actions.
The work package 1 Framework builds the organisational frame for all practical and supportive activities. It deals with overall project co-ordination, management and dissemination of GreenKeys results. This work package is under the leadership of IOER, Dresden/Germany.
The work package 2 Local Activities aims mainly at implementing pilot measures in the participating cities. The specific actions will be built up on different planning, implementation and evaluation stages of the single pilot projects. The management lies with University of Thessaly, Volos/Greece.
The work package 3 Networking refers to the coordination of activities as experts’ colloquies, site visits and workshops. GreenKeys network will be built up by two different accesses: an intranet and an internet. Responsible for this work package is UPLSB, Sofia/Bulgaria.
The work package 4 Strategies is closely linked to the planed development in the partner cities (WP 2). The activities contain the support of the partner cities with scientific expertise and refer to the analytical part of the project and the evaluation of activities. This work package is lead by UPIRS Ljubljana/Slovenia.
Members of the Project Team: GreenKeys is conducted by 20 partners:
12 municipalities and 8 public and private research partners to provide scientific support to the municipalities, and a sub-contractor to project coordinator responsible for establishing and managing the communication network (intranet and internet presentation of GreenKeys).
The project is promoting the exchange of experiences and the transfer of knowledge among the 12 European cities: Budapest, Bydgoszcz, Dresden, Giulianova, Halandri, Kotel, Leipzig, Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Sanok, Sofia, Volos and Xanthi.
Moreover, groups or individuals interested in attending our public conferences are invited to do so. Just follow the link posted along with the announcement of the event in the event calendar.
Weblink(s): http://www.greenkeys-project.net/en/home.html
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