Menne, B., 2004, The health impacts of 2003 summer heat-waves, International Green roof Association
- Author : Menne, B.
- Year : 2004
- Pages : 22-29
- Publisher : International Green roof Association
- Abstract in English : During July and August 2003, significantly above-average temperatures ware observed throughout Europe, Scandinavia and western Russia, with monthly mean temperatures exceeding the 90th percentile in each region. The dramatic impacts on human health, particularly in France, raised many questions, for example what are the consequences on human health, are heat-wave impacts preventable and if so how could they be prevented. Studies on the European summer 2003 heat wave are likely to yield many lessons for the future. Such work is important to identify cost-effective interventions, including heat wave warning systems that will save lives. If current predictions on climate change are accurate, more extreme weather events such as heat waves or floods will occur in coming years. These are likely to occur at more frequent intervals and to be more severe. International collaboration is needed to be better evaluated and target actions.
- Comments/Notes : COMMENT: this paper is not on green roofs, but provides a strong motivation to make them. KEYWORDS: roof gardens, health, ecology, heat-waves, urban ecology. SEE ALSO: IGRA, 2004. International Green Roof Congress. Conference Transcript. International Green roof Association, Berlin. 176.