The impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon: 3D representation of the city before and after

have played a role in the development of 3D skills for architects. As a
continuation of this, games, a subgenre of which are city building games, the
father of all is SimCity, a variant of construction management games, underlay
a socio-economic model. Outgoing from a general view of the role of toys and
games in building the skills of architects, we focus on the modelling of the
impact of earthquakes on urban areas. The particular case considered is Lisbon
1755, set into the context of related developments such as l’Aquila 2009 and
Bucharest 1977. We examined the 3D modelling of the city, which can be the base
for computer games, namely the GIS based, Google Earth and Second Life. For all
these modells we filled forms which are provided in the annexes, to see the
usability and potential improvements, which will be considered in the model we
propose. The later builds a game with a socio-economic component, but both
later ones have the social component of crowd sourcing participation. The
Second Life concept can be extended with narratives of chance like in board
games, to realise the immersion like in a novel in the historic time depicted,
organising for example virtual events in the public space framework modelled.
Different Levels of Detail are identified as necessary in order to on one side
identify the landmarks of the image of the city in the perception of
inhabitants and tourists and on the other hand to model populations of
buildings for future economic studies, based on a structural mechanics instead
of statistical approach. Outgoing from this analysis we propose an own concept
to model the impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon. We based our concept on
the analysis of the space and time aspects in the memory of the pre-disaster
city, and considered 72 landmark buildings which can be symbolically modeled as
spaces, based on a 2D to 3D concept. Depending on where they were situated,
these have been affected by the earthquake or not. We provide besides the
overview of the literature on games for architecture on urbanism purposes also
this one on memory. This includes on its side a game, for lessons learned in
the identification of the landmarks of the city. Apart of the game, there is a
guided tour with timeline and the 3D model in itself. Codes are provided. For
the analysis we used different views of the city: eye-level, silhouette (from
the river) and aerial. This can be the basis of a future augmented reality
application including the 3D model and the photos/engravings of the time. The
socio-economic component will be based on the modeling of material resources
necessary to retrofit or reconstruct, for the detailedly considered ?pombalino?
buildings. But first of all identifying the urban morphology through 3D
modeling is serving as a basis for master planning, especially the strategic
planning of the minimal urban structure, in both preventive pre-earthquake
intervention and post-earthquake reconstruction, as aimed for in the ?Lisbon in
motion? workshop and planned related ones.

  • Website :
  • Notes : Action:COST TU0801?Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development? Date of the visit:01.09.2012 - 07.09.2012 STSM type:Regular (from Romania to Portugal) COST STSM Reference Number:COST-STSM-TU0801-010912-021120 STSM Research Theme:?The impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon: 3D representation of the city before and after? STSM Applicant:Dr. Maria BOSTENARU DAN,?Ion Mincu? University of Architecture and Urbanism, Department of Urban Design and Landscape Planning, 010014 Bucharest, Romania STSM Host:Professor Thomas Panagopoulos, University of Algarve, Director of Master in Landscape Architecture, Research Centre for Spatial and Organisational Dynamics (CIEO), Campus de Gambelas, 8005-139, Faro, Portugal
  • Project start : 2012
  • Project end : 2012
  • Contact Person : Maria BOSTENARU DAN, Thomas PANAGOPOULOS
  • Funding Agency : ESF through a European Commission Contract
  • Project Partners : Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism "Ion Mincu", Bucuresti; Universidad de Algarve, Faro
Image Title: The impact of the 1755 earthquake on Lisbon: 3D representation of the city before and after