Syngollitou, E., 2005, The influence of natural settings on psychological well being; the contribution of environmental psychology, in: Gallis, C.T., ‘Forests, trees, and human health and well-being’, Siokis, Thessaloniki
- Author : Syngollitou, E.
- Year : 2005
- Published in Book : Forests, trees, and human health and well-being
- Pages : 241-254
- Abstract in English : The present paper aims to give a brief review of the research concerning the influence of natural settings on psychological well being. Environmental psychology being that branch of psychological features of the built and natural environment, in order to enhance human well being and to improve people environment relations, this paper tries to show the contribution of environmental psychology in the study of psychological well being as a result of the natural setting.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, natural settings, well being, literature review.