Chenoweth, R.E. & P.H. Gobster, 1990, The nature and ecology of aesthetic experiences in the landscape, in: Landscape Journal, 9,
- Author : Chenoweth, R.E. & P.H. Gobster
- Year : 1990
- Journal/Series : Landscape Journal
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 9
- Pages : 1-8
- Abstract in English : A review on aesthetical studies and a report on empirical research into aesthetic experiences of twenty-five students. The assumption that aesthetically pleasing environments provides valued experiences that can improve people’s quality of life underlies many government landscape policies and their resultant assessment procedures. The aesthetic experience of landscapes is studied empirically. The article shows the importance of nature and aesthetic experience. The results suggest that opportunities should be provided for people to experience nature in their home environments as part of their everyday activities.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, assessment, aesthetic experience. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research (students of universities of professional education).