The Paris-Lexington Road

Schneider, K.L., 2003, The Paris-Lexington Road, Island Press, Washington

  • Author : Schneider, K.L.
  • Year : 2003
  • Publisher : Island Press
  • Publisher's Location : Washington
  • ISBN : 1-55963-110-4
  • Pages : 87
  • Abstract : The Paris-Lexington Road, located in the heart of the historical Kentucky Bluegrass region, is a scenic, twelve mile corridor between Lexington and Paris. Beginning in 1969, the state of Kentucky set out to widen the road and improve safety and capacity, a plan that lead to a bitter twenty-year battle pitting local conservationists, historians, and property owners against motorists and pro-development interests. The objections resulted in a 1979 federal court injunction that halted the project for fourteen years. This land and community design case study offers a critical review of the Paris-Lexington Road project, which has come to be regarded as the model for context-sensitive highway design in America
  • Comments : Landscape design, highway design, participation, interactive design