Tartaglia-Kershaw, M., 1982, The recreational and aesthetic significance of urban woodland, in: Landscape Research, 7, 3
- Author : Tartaglia-Kershaw, M.
- Year : 1982
- Journal/Series : Landscape Research
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 3
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 7
- Pages : 22-25
- Abstract in English : This article seeks to illuminate the contribution made by urban woodland to the well-being of city dwellers and to explore attitudes towards existing woodland. The study is concerned with the perception and attitudes of a community living adjacent to a mature urban woodland and their use of that wood in daily.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, societal significance, quality, well-being, woodland.