Kaplan, R., 1993, The role of nature in the context of the workplace, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 26,
- Author : Kaplan, R.
- Year : 1993
- Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 26
- Pages : 193-201
- Abstract in English : The well-being of the workforce is clearly a matter of concern to the employer. Such concern translates to considerable costs in the form of fringe benefit packages, health promotion programs, ergonomics, and other ways to reduce absence and enhance health and satisfaction. Proximity and availability of natural environment can foster many desired outcomes, even if the employee does not spend a great amount of time in the natural setting. The focus of the studies presented here is on windows in the workplace. A view on nature such as trees may improve the condition of the workplace. This correspondents with previous results of other studies. Whether one can place an economic value on the view from work in terms of work productivity is an unanswered question.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, workplace, well-being, window-view. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.