The role of the critique: jury critique for an international competition, planning and design for a new university campus, Saudi Arabia

Filor, S., 2004, The role of the critique: jury critique for an international competition, planning and design for a new university campus, Saudi Arabia, in: ECLAS (Jørgensen, K. & G. Fry), ‘A critical light on landscape architecture’, ,

  • Author : Filor, S.
  • Year : 2004
  • Published in Book : A critical light on landscape architecture
  • Abstract in English : The author was a member of the jury that judged an international planning and architectural design competition for a new university campus in Abha, Saudi Arabia. The majority of the ten jury members were academics, leavened by the Saudi Minister of Planning and the Director of one of the largest architectural practices in the Kingdom. Our disciplines covered architecture, planning, landscape, and building economics; nationalities included Saudi Arabia, USA, UK, Syria and Egypt. The competition ran from April 2002 to November 2002. The jury met in Abha from 10th-16th December 2002, and our decisions were announced and prizes awarded at a ceremony a week later. Within the normal limits of confidentiality, the paper will describe the procedures followed by the jury in reaching our decisions, highlighting the influence of the landscape criteria on these. It falls into five sections. 1. An introduction to the Competition requirements. 2. A description of the site. 3. The criteria agreed by the jury as benchmarks by which to assess the competition entries; and the assessment procedures followed by the jury. 4. A brief critique of the award winning schemes based on the comments of the jury. 5. A summary to focus on the influence of landscape criteria on the jury decisions; and a comparison of this professional critique with academic assessments.