The ‘street’ as thirdspace

Matthews, H., M. Limb & M. Taylor , 2000, The ‘street’ as thirdspace, in: Holloway, S.L. & G. Valentine, ‘Children’s geographies’, Routlegde, London

  • Author : Matthews, H., M. Limb & M. Taylor
  • Year : 2000
  • Published in Book : Children’s geographies
  • Pages : 63-79
  • Outline in English : In this paper the authors consider the importance of the ‘street’ in the lives of a group of young people aged between 9 and 16, living in three edde-of-town council estates within the East Midlands. The term street is used as a metaphor for all public outdoor places in which children are found.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, open space, safety, significance, gender.