The sustainable urban development reader

Beatley,T., 2004, The sustainable urban development reader, Taylor & Francis, London

  • Author : Beatley,T.
  • Year : 2004
  • Publisher : Taylor & Francis
  • Publisher's Location : London
  • ISBN : 041531187X
  • Pages : 348
  • Abstract : KEYWORDS: Landscape architecture, urban development, sustainability, urban design, ecological restoration, economic development.
  • Comments : This reader provides important material on the history of the sustainability concept and specific applications within urban planning specialities related to land use, transportation, urban design, environmental protection, economic development and social justice. Part I: Origins of the Sustainability; Part II: Dimensions of Urban Sustainability Land Use and Urban Design. Part I: Origins of the Sustainability. Some chapters are: Ebenezer Howard, 1898 "The Three Magnets" from Garden Cities of To-morrow 2. Lewis Mumford, 1938 "Cities and the Crisis of Civilization" from The Culture of Cities 3. Ian L. McHarg, 1969 "Plight and Prospect" from Design With Nature 6. Andre Gunder Frank, 1967 "The Development of Underdevelopment" from Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America 7. Donella Meadows et al., 1972 "Perspectives, Problems, and Models" from The Limits to Growth 8. World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987 "Towards Sustainable Development" from Our Common Future 10. United Nations, 1992, 1996 "The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development" and Introduction to Chapter 7 from Agenda 21 (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) and "The Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements" from the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements.Peter Calthorpe, 1993 "The Next American Metropolis" from The Next American Metropolis: Ecology, Community, and the American Dream 12. Jan Gehl, 1980 "Outdoor Space and Outdoor Activities" from Life Between Buildings Transportation: 13. Robert Cervero, 1998 "Transit and the Metropolis: Finding Harmony" from The Transit Metropolis: A Global Inquiry 14. Peter Newman and Jeffrey Kenworthy, 1999 "Traffic Calming" from Sustainability and Cities: Overcoming Automobile Dependence 15. Ann Whiston Spirn, 1984 "City and Nature" from The Granite Garden: Urban Nature and Human Design 17. Tim Beatley, 1994 "Land Development and Endangered Species: Emerging Conflicts" from Habitat Conservation Planning 18. Ann Riley, 1997 "What Is Restoration?" from Restoring Streams in Cities Energy and Materials Use: 19. Herbert Girardet, 1999 "The Metabolism of Cities" from Creating Sustainable Cities 20. Dolores Hayden, 1984 "Domesticating Urban Space" from Redesigning the American Dream: The Future of Housing, Work, and Family Life Economic Development: 23