Some 60% of Dutch flora and fauna are present in or near the city. But policy on nature is still dominated by red-versus-green polemics that divide the city from nature.
The design for the (un)conditional garden is an ode to urban nature and shows the city as a landscape where specific flora and fauna find their place in their own way. The garden shows the richness that lies hidden in the corners and cracks of the city. The aim of the design is to add the image of urban nature to our traditional images of nature. In that way the garden can distance itself from the image of the urban park, because it is based on natural (urban) ecological processes such as succession, disruption, predation and isolation.
To assure that this ‘emerging’ nature delivers the right images and will provide a garden that allows the visitor to learn something about urban ecology a trial location was used for the duration of the graduation project. Experiments with stages of succession and differences in soil composition were conducted on a disused site in order to draw conclusions about the spatial quality of different potential vegetation.
- English Title : The (Un)conditional Garden
- University : Amsterdam Academy of Architecture, NL
- Project was done for Course Unit : Graduation ( Graduation )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Notes : Teaching staff: Rob van Leeuwen, Geert Timmermans, Anouk Vogel
- Weblink :
- Academic Year : 2011 / 12
- City : Amsterdam
- Project Language : Dutch
- Location of project : Netherlands
- Image Title : Thijs de Zeeuw The (Un)conditional garden
- Image Desc : Thijs de Zeeuw The (Un)conditional garden