The valley section concept of Patrick Geddes and aspects of his regional planning work

Leonard, S., 1994, The valley section concept of Patrick Geddes and aspects of his regional planning work, in: ECLAS (A. Aspinall & S. Filor), ‘The local context in landscape teaching and research’, ,

  • Author : Leonard, S.
  • Year : 1994
  • Published in Book : The local context in landscape teaching and research
  • Pages : 5-17
  • Abstract in English : The paper briefly introduces Geddes and the breadth of his interests, before focusing on his work and influence as a Regional Planner. His exhibitions "Cities" and "Cities in Evolution" are discussed, and their relationship to antique models described. The concept of the Valley Section and its application by Geddes to regional planning are illustrated. For such a European gathering as ECLAS, it seems appropriate to detail some of the contemporary Europeans who influenced the thinking of Geddes – the geographer, Reclus, and the sociologist le Play among them. The legacy of Geddes was continued by individuals such as Lewis Mumford, Patrick Abercrombie, Ambrose Rowse, Jacqueline Tyrrwhitt and John Turner, and can be shown to have strongly influenced present regionalism in Europe. It can also be argued that the concept of Sustainable Development is really a new terminology describing basic Geddes concepts.