DİLEK, E.Figen, 2007, Tuzluçayır-Mamak Düzensiz Depolama Alanı için Peyzaj Onarımının Önemi ve Gereği, in: Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Cilt 12, Sayı 4, NULL
- Author : DİLEK, E.Figen
- Year : 2007
- Title English : Importance and Necessity of Landscape Rehabilitation of Tuzluçayır-Mamak Open Dump (Landfill) Area
- Journal/Series : Journal of Agricultural Sciences
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : NULL
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : Cilt 12, Sayı 4
- Pages : 323-332
- Abstract in English : Generally, domestic solid waste has been collected and disposed without any treatment in arbitrarily selected areas in Turkey. Municipalities have performed this process. Open landfills are generally located in the periphery of the city in view that economy of accessibility. The open dumping implementations, which are considered as the most primitive and environmentally damaging method of solid waste management, however, should be given up as soon as achievable, for mitigating the negative effects of open dumping implementations to the environment. This paper takes into account the strategic information about the landscape rehabilitation of Tuzluçayır-Mamak (Ankara, Turkey) open domestic waste dump area (landfill).