Rice, A.R. & K.A. Bark, 2004, Understanding the impact of the emerging digital media on the design critique process, in: ECLAS (Jørgensen, K. & G. Fry), ‘A critical light on landscape architecture’, ,
- Author : Rice, A.R. & K.A. Bark
- Year : 2004
- Published in Book : A critical light on landscape architecture
- Abstract in English : There is an assumption that underlies all design critiques. This assumption is that we are all talking about the same thing. In landscape architecture we also assume that what we are talking about is what an actual space would be, if it were constructed. It is the authors’ contention that these two assumptions are frequently wrong and, for the critique process to function to its fullest, individuals must be talking about the same vision. Recent research indicates that any media that represents a design idea profoundly impacts a designer’s perception of that idea, especially in relation to its scale. In addition, the media can influence the design aspects we focus on in a critique. We very seldom talk about how a space is changed by years, seasons, or even time of day. These changes are important but conventional media is insufficient when it comes to depicting them. This paper describes previous research into the impact of representational media on design perception and process and uses the results of introductory and advanced design studios to illustrate emerging issues related to changing design media.