(un)sichtbar: Freiräume im Blick

Successful landscape architecture designs often face a dilemma. They integrate themselves into the the urban structure so naturally that people do not perceive them consciously as extraordinary spaces.
A landscape architecture guide focusing on contemporary open spaces in Kassel and making them visible is the result of two-semester student project. It offerns an overview of high-quality public open spaces in Kassel and its surrounding and presents its wide range – from company environments to landscape parks – by giving explicit examples. This way, the wide professional field of landscape architects that is mostly unknown to the public is also illustrated.
The developed collection box contains various components: Each project is presented on a single card that can be folded out. This layout concept enables the visitor to create their sightseeing tours most individually. All projects are located on an overall map. The excurs bokklets illustrate various thematic fields connected to open space design that are particularly characteristic for Kassel – such as the 1950s Reconstruction which deeply coined the cityscape.

  • English Title : (in)visible: Open Spaces in Focus
  • University : Kassel University, DE
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Studentisches Projekt im Hauptstudium ( Student Project Studio, second and third year BA )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Notes : Students: Alexandra Baron, Eva Bender, Marc Davis, Niis Schellenberg, Aron Gutzen, Evelyn Kölking, Marina Schellenberg, Nora Markowsky, Claus Prinz, Katrin Böhling, Nadine Chrubäsik, Teresa Burmester Supervisors: Prof. Dipl-lng. Ariane Röntz, Guest prof. Dr. Stefanie Krebs, Faculties of Landscape Architecture / Design and Landscape Aesthetics in Design, Department 06 - Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, University of Kassel, June 2008
  • Academic Year : 2007 / 08
  • City : Kassel
  • Project Language : German
  • Supervisor : Diedrich Bruns, other professors
  • Location of project : Germany
  • Image Title :