Urban comprehensive planning – identifying barriers for the maintenance of functional habitat networks

Sandström, U.G., P. Angelstam & A. Khakee, 2006, Urban comprehensive planning – identifying barriers for the maintenance of functional habitat networks, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 75,

  • Author : Sandström, U.G., P. Angelstam & A. Khakee
  • Year : 2006
  • Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 75
  • Pages : 43-57
  • Abstract in English : Maintaining biodiversity requires a wise combination of protection, management and recreation of habitats to secure representative and functional habitat networks. As urbanisation is increased worldwide, town and cites are becoming the most common habitat for man kind. Accordingly, the urban landscape is becoming increasingly important for maintaining biodiversity on site, as well as for understanding the concept of biodiversity in general, and its maintenance in urban landscapes. This study evaluates the extent to which urban planners in Sweden have sufficient knowledge, resources, and skills for conserving biodiversity by maintaining a functional green infrastructure, thereby satisfying the ecological dimension of sustainable development. This includes the planners, consideration of natural, as well as social, sciences in the planning process. The specific aims are to find out 1) the extent to which urban planners consider the need to maintain green infrastructures in their planning work, and 2) their ability to put into practice the protection, management, restoration and even recreation of such green space networks.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: biodiversity, conservation, urban planning, policy implementation.