Kamp, I. van, K. Leidelmeijer, G. Marsman & A. Hollander, 2003, Urban environmental quality and human well-being towards a conceptual framework and demarcation of concepts: a literature study, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 65,
- Author : Kamp, I. van, K. Leidelmeijer, G. Marsman & A. Hollander
- Year : 2003
- Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 65
- Pages : 5-18
- Abstract in English : Construction of a multidisciplinary conceptual framework of environmental quality an quality of life is required to advance the field of urban development, environmental quality and human well-being. For this aim literature has been reviewed. This review reveals that neither a generally accepted framework, nor a coherent system to evaluate aspects of and trends in environmental quality in relation to well-being, has been developed. A broad variety of notions and models concerning environmental quality and quality of life have been encountered in the literature, ranging from highly theoretical to empirical-explorative and rooted in different disciplines. A multidisciplinary conceptual framework of environmental quality and quality of fife that will go beyond the disciplinary differences found in the current literature is needed if the field is to advance.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: quality, urban quality, environmental quality, Livability, well-being. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.