Gažová, D., 2006, Urban fringe – a specific phenomenon of urban landscape, in: ECLAS (Dragovic, T.), ‘Cutural dimensions of urban landscape’, Spectra Centre of Excellence & Road 2006,
- Author : Gažová, D.
- Year : 2006
- Published in Book : Cutural dimensions of urban landscape
- Pages : 17
- Abstract in English : URBAN FRINGE – A SPECIFIC PHENOMENON OF URBAN LANDSCAPE Keywords: urban fringe, contact area, interactions, urban and open landscape, image of the landscape One of the less investigated questions in fields of urban and landscape planning is the question of the direct contact of a town with its surrounding landscape and the planning of the urban fringe development. Urbanisation process has a very strong impact and manifestation exactly in the urban fringe territory. There conflicts a predominating man-made environment with areas with superiority of natural systems. This territory is characterised by a great dynamics of its changes, by reciprocal penetration of those two environments and by their conflict as a result. During development process urban fringes of the most towns and cities have become territories characterised by uncontrolled conflicts of different activities that occur wherein. This is demonstrated by interactions between natural and man-made environments occurred in this territory. Owing to often unsuitable exploitation and devastation of natural resources, that are demonstrated by waste dumps, extraction sites, polluting industries, some forms of individual recreation etc., in many cases urban fringe becomes a barrier between the city and its surroundings. That means that a biological activity of urban fringes with a great primary potential for improvement of town environment grows weak. This territory offers on the other hand areas with valuable bio-climatical, recreational, health, and landscape qualities as forests, woods, parks, gardens, orchards, vineyards, waters, etc. and is a subject of a great recreational interest of city inhabitants. In this work is the urban fringe investigated as a town border area, which transforms interactions between a town and its different surrounding landscapes and which has a specific contact character owing to these contact interactions. Urban fringe is here understood as a set of border areas of the town structure which transforms interactions between a town and surrounding open landscape, it is a transition (contact) area between them. For using the results of the work in process of urban and landscape planning in these special areas of a town – contact areas between the town and surrounding open landscape – the work is based on next steps: - to analyse urban fringe character - to determine urban fringe pattern - to elaborate a model principles of urban fringe development - To apply and follow the results on the case of Bratislava town. The main output of the work was demonstrated in a theoretic model of contact area development, which was applied and proved in a case study following the contact areas of the Bratislava town. The work deals with next directions of Bratislava’s urban development, limitation of nature protected areas, recreation areas, big industrial territories, development of different types of surrounding landscape and, at the end, with impact, development and protection of urban and open landscape image of the town.