User participation: a design methodology for school grounds design and environmental learning

Sheat, L.G. & A.R. Beer, 1989, User participation: a design methodology for school grounds design and environmental learning, in: Childrens Environments Quarterly, , 2

  • Author : Sheat, L.G. & A.R. Beer
  • Year : 1989
  • Journal/Series : Childrens Environments Quarterly
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 2
  • Pages : 15-30
  • Abstract in English : A research project was begun at the Department of Landscape Architecture at Sheffield University in 1988 to investigate the potential of users participatory as a means of providing a school environment that provides for and promotes a wide range of environmental learning experiences for pupils. It seemed that participation not only held great potential as a means of producing such a design, but would be an ideal environmental learning experience in itself for both schools users and designers. In a preliminary investigatory exercise into this topic, the question of user's participation as an environmental learning exercise was examined. This paper outlines the results of that examination discussing the implications of these to the development of a user participatory design methodology and the future directions of the research project.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children, adolescents, design, participation, participatory design, schoolyard design.UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education