main purpose of the valorisation was to assess the state and functioning of
urban green areas as a basis for a municipal policy of urban green areas
management. The evaluation was based on an applied methodology worked out at
the Department of Landscape Architecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
– How
to assess multifunctional green areas?
– How
to elaborate criteria for natural and social functions, technical state and
safety of urban green spaces?
assessment dealt with the following aspects of urban green areas: natural
values (vegetation and natural performance), cultural values (aesthetics,
composition and historical factors), social function (recreation, social
cohesion), technical state and safety. The survey consisted of 225 questions,
combining to 30 criteria, representing the above mentioned aspects. The study
was conducted for 257 urban green areas.
- Title Original : Waloryzacja parków i ziele?ców Warszawy
- Website : http://
- Project start : 2008
- Project end : 2011
- Contact Person : Gabriela Maksymiuk
- Funding Agency : Bureau of Environmental Protection, City of Warsaw
- Project structure : PROJECT TEAM:
Gabriela Maksymiuk (project leader),Barbara
Szulczewska, Renata Giedych, Marek Szuma?ski, Marek Kosmala, Jan
?ukaszkiewicz, Krzysztof Gadomski
2008 - elaboration of Methodology of valorisation of urban green areas (parks and green squares)
2009 - valorisation of all Warsaw parks (85 parks)
2010 - valorisation of 100 Warsaw green squares
2011 - valorisation of 85 Warsaw green sqaures