Vaste planten

Phillips, R. & M. Rix, 1992, Vaste planten, Spectrum,

  • Author : Phillips, R. & M. Rix
  • Year : 1992
  • Title English : perennials
  • Publisher : Spectrum
  • ISBN : 90-274-2753-4
  • Pages : 474
  • Abstract : A photographic guide to more than 2500 perennials. The text deals with cultivation and the photographs of annuals may inspire ideas for planting in gardens.
  • Comments : This volume is available in English. KEYWORDS: perennials. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, students of universities of professional education Perennials. This volume is rather popular, but may be useful for students, especially those without horticultural background. [ISBN UK: 033 309 269]